Reach your destination
with regional transit
with regional transit
Reach your destination
with regional transit.
with regional transit.
Reach your destination
with regional transit.
with regional transit.
Recent RTA Activity
Check out the following for the latest Regional Transit Authority.

What is regional transit?
Regional transit is not just commuter rail – it can include expanded and enhanced bus service, modern streetcars, and other modes of transportation. The Regional Transportation Authority of Central Oklahoma will serve its three-member cities Edmond, Norman, and Oklahoma City.
Commuter Rail
Commuter Rail
The proposed backbone of the regional system, commuter rail can connect central Oklahoma communities in a new way.
Higher capacity than buses, streetcars can serve corridors that expect to have higher ridership.
Expanded bus
Expanded & Enhanced Bus
Whether navigating your community or traveling to and from a commuter rail station, expanded and enhanced bus service is necessary for commuter rail to thrive.
Other Modes
Other Modes
As the demand for transit continues to grow in central Oklahoma, diverse transit options will be needed, such as van pools, micro-transit, bus rapid transit (BRT), and bike share.

What is regional transit?
Regional transit is not just commuter rail. It includes expanded bus service, street cars and other types of modes of transportation.
Commuter Rail
Commuter Rail
The proposed backbone of the regional system, commuter rail can connect central Oklahoma communities in a new way.
Higher capacity than buses, streetcar can serve corridors that expect to have higher ridership.
Expanded bus
Expanded Bus
Whether navigating your community or traveling to and from a commuter rail station, expanded bus service is a key component to any transit system.
Other Modes
Other Modes
As transit grows in central Oklahoma, other modes such as bus rapid transit and light rail may be needed.
The Regional Transportation Authority is always moving forward. Don’t get left behind – stay up to date on the latest (RTA) news here.
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Meetings & Notices
Regional Transportation Authority of Central Oklahoma meets monthly in the Arts District Parking Garage, Large Conference Room, 431 West Main Street, Suite B in Oklahoma City. Meeting notices and agendas are posted here and filed with the Secretary of State.

Doing business
We work to advance regional transportation needs in Central Oklahoma. Our purpose is to plan, develop, fund, implement, and operate a regional transit system.